Tutorial at ICIP’16: The Open Set Recognition Problem and Its Implications and Opportunities in Visual Computing, Forensics and Security

We are very glad to announce that Prof. Anderson Rocha (from University of Campinas and Recod) and Prof. Walter Scheirer (from University of Notre Dame) will present a
tutorial at the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP) in Phoenix, U.S., entitled: The Open Set Recognition Problem and Its Implications and Opportunities in Visual Computing, Forensics and Security

The purpose of this tutorial is to introduce the ICIP audience to the open-set recognition problem in statistical learning, specifically in the context of visual computing, information forensics and security applications. A number of different topics will be explored, including supervised machine learning, probabilistic models, kernel machines, the statistical extreme value theory, and case studies for applications related to the analysis of images.

The tutorial is about three hours long and is composed of four parts: i) An introduction to the open set recognition problem; ii) Algorithms that minimize the risk of the unknown; iii) Case studies related to visual computing and other areas; and iv) Research opportunities and trends. The complete tutorial outline is available here.

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